Increasing Engagement


To increase the quality of engagement, are you COACHING YOUR TEAM? Are you developing your team and members to function better? I mean genuinely coach? This is a business strategy, not a nice to do or a gotta-do.

To perform well, leaders must cultivate their teams – cultivate relationships with the team as a unit and with members regarding the business goals and regarding what matters to the members. This helps leaders get high performance.

This calls for caring-in-action about your people. To care, leaders have to avoid talking themselves into neglecting this coaching because “there is not the time” to do so.

Here is a very good article with research references that highlights why small businesses have much higher employee engagement than large businesses. But don’t be fooled: what works in small businesses works too

in large businesses. It’s about leading and how we frame positive thinking and avoid traps of doubt and skepticism.

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