What We Do

At Lodestar, our approach steers decision-makers and managers to become catalysts of desired change, activating employee talents, creativity, and passions to pursue a common, unifying objective. We also partner in planning and orchestrating large and small scale changes within organizations.

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Service offerings


Leadership Coaching


Executive Leadership Coaching

With Lodestar Executive Leadership Coaching, you will receive a private, personalized program that is tailored to your goals. In these 1-on-1 sessions, expect to find non-judgemental counsel, active listening, and individualized attention that will not only challenge you to stretch and grow, but will support you with strategies and guidance to pursue what you want for yourself.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Leading with More Personal Impact

Delegation, Setting Standards, and Managing Expectations

Tempering and Optimizing Pride, Ambition, High Standards, or Vulnerability

Honing Presence and Stature Under Pressure

Adapting to Leadership Responsibilities and Needs

Managing the Growth of Your Business While Maintaining Company Culture

Who This is For:

Senior Executives

Upper and Middle Managers

Rising Leaders (35 and Under)


Increased personal impact on people and work

Stronger reputation/brand

Improved relationships

Increased personal balance

Knowledge on strategies for leading others

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1-for-1 Rising Star Program

To support the next generation of leaders, Lodestar offers a 1-for-1 Rising Star Program. For every Executive participating in Executive Leadership Coaching, Lodestar will also coach a Rising Star Employee (an employee 35 years old or younger) to develop into an upcoming leader. There is no fee for this coaching. Coaching sessions for executives, managers and Rising Stars are scheduled at different times and do not coincide with one another, unless otherwise indicated. Inquire to learn about parameters.


Increased overall leadership effectiveness in current role

Improved communication across leadership team and company

Increased impact and contribution to the business

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Hybrid Coaching

Our Hybrid Coaching combines the benefits of one-on-one Leadership Coaching with Mastermind Group Coaching. In this program, your executives and company leaders grow and develop on an individual and collective basis.


1. The company must have at least 3 executives enrolled in Executive Leadership Coaching.

2. Individually, executives will work with the executive coach on personal impact and leadership impact.

3. Throughout the course of the engagement, we hold periodic Mastermind sessions in which executives exchange ideas and discuss relevant topics, lessons and questions.

Who This is For:

Upper and Middle Managers


Improved individual effectiveness

Increased momentum in learning and implementation of leadership acts and efforts

Commonality of language and communication

More unified spirit and collective momentum

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Group Coaching

Group Coaching is ideal for organizations that have teams of Middle Managers who seek to increase their influence and effectiveness across a growing company. With ideal group sizes of 3 to 5 employees, Group Coaching is structured in a guided peer-to-peer learning setting where managers learn to:

Balance cognitive and social skills

Examine strategies for change; strategize how to handle difficult situations, people or relationships

Improve competency in communication, leadership, management and delegation.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Strategies in influencing and leading change

Strengthening relationships with stakeholder

Strategies to generate personal effectiveness

Ways to increase the impact of coaching team members

Role focus and clarification

Reconciling pressures to produce and keep healthy balance

Fortifying perspective on priorities

Who This is For:

Middle Managers


Greater momentum in accomplishing objectives

Stronger roles, expectations, and communication skills

Creation of powerful learning communities, reinforcing group and individual learning

More alignment of company culture and climate with unified spirit and collective momentum

Increased consistency and commonality of language and communication

Strengthened work relationships and a team mentality

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Improving Team Effectiveness


Mentoring Circles

Lodestar’s Mentoring Circles Program serves employees working together in peer groups with mentors. This is a time-limited mentoring forum that explores alternative ways to strengthen personal effectiveness through peer learning and mentoring led by trained mentor-leaders. The program is customized to each business, typically involving six topic-focused sessions for groups of 6-8 employees. Prepared agendas topics focus on increasing personal effectiveness at work, in careers, in relationships, and in sustaining a healthy quality of life. The sessions involve facilitated dialogue, exploration, and learning.

Who This is For:

Upper and middle managers (mentors)

Employees reporting to managers (mentees)


New, stronger relationships for mentors and peer mentees

Ideas and solutions to personal situations and interests

Actions to take for one’s own development

Greater skills in conducting dialogues and difficult or meaningful conversations

Stronger learning culture

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Building Team Effectiveness

Even the best organizations experience miscommunication, dysfunction or stagnation within teams. This is why Lodestar has a coaching program that unifies team members to pursue a common purpose, improve overall efficacy, and encourage communication to reinforce company values. With Lodestar, you can expect Whit and his colleagues to assess and diagnose the team’s situation, outline a roadmap for improvement or development, and then implement a customized plan. In the end, you will have team members operating with shared direction, with clearer roles and accountabilities, with great cohesiveness and coordination, and with more purpose-drive activity - the teams are contributing more to the objectives and greater good of the company.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Adopting or Adjusting Purpose, Vision, Service, Values

Developing Effective Working Relationships and Coordination

Managing Expectations with Delivery Output

Adeptness in Dealing with Remote Members

Alternative Processes for Leading and Managing

Team Practices, Standards, and Expectations

Who This is For:

Companies Experiencing...

Executive/Managers who want to elevate team functioning and/or modify team direction, standards, or collaboration

Unwanted tension between team members, or underperforming teams

Project stagnation due to role responsibility or confusion

Recent growth spurt or change in team membership


Increased leverage through collaboration

Improved communication and understanding of interpersonal relations

Clarified role responsibilities and operating standards

Greater adaptation to changes and impact of change on team

Clarity in how to serve multiple stakeholders

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Cross-Department Alignment

Growing pains happen to everyone - and to every business. Just as a company expands, new employees are hired or department responsibilities evolve, it is normal for companies to face challenges between partners, projects, groups, teams, departments. Lodestar assesses and diagnoses current strengths and challenges of the current organizational structure, communication or service delivery. Thereafter, we prepare and guide a customized transition plan to elevate functioning and coordination between groups. This includes establishing joint and mutually dependent objectives and accountability standards to ensure the agreed-upon strategies are effective and relevant based on the cross-group or company needs.

Topics may include, but are not limited to:

Establishing Shared and Interdependent Objectives + Organizing to Have the Best Possible Coordination Within and Between Groups

Implementation of Adjustments Needed in Department Responsibilities

Transitioning the “Us vs. Them” Mentality into a “We”/Collective Mentality

Transition Planning and Accountability

Who This is For:

Companies with groups, functions, teams experiencing…

Challenges adapting to recent growth spurt or change in business priorities or focus

Frustrated, wasteful interactions between groups

Conflicting agendas resulting in we-they finger-pointing or blaming

Project stagnation across departments

Underperforming collaboration


More cross-department partnering, collaboration and coordination with much less silo-mentality

Increased commitment and role expectation toward shared objectives

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Elevating Culture


Elevating Cultures

Organizations that are experiencing a droop in overall employee morale, climate, engagement, and/or productivity would fare well to call on Whit for guidance. In this setting, teams are constructed in large and small working groups to identify challenges and uncover group roadblocks. Whit will help leadership teams to create objectives, develop an inspiring vision and value set, as well as guide teams along the journey to an evolved and empowered company culture.

Who This is For:

Companies or employees experiencing...

Inadequate real leadership at many levels/areas of the business

Risk aversion or caution

Stagnant culture or lack of spirit and creativity

Lack of momentum

Fixed, rigid mindset

Inconsistent spurts of energy or momentum


Increased company momentum and employee buy-in

Reduced silo-mentality by developing and strengthening a unified vision

A shared value set, including unified communication and behavior standards and expectations

Increased positive spirit, creativity, and commitment to individual purpose (vs. "It’s just a job")

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Culti-Vate is a simple, gamified online platform that allows you to reinforce any cultural change you want to create. Customized to each organization, this platform enables an organization to apply and reinforce an organization’s values and directives in a positive and impactful way. Rooted in neuroscience and the proven benefits of an optimistic mindset, Culti-Vate combines the gaming elements of challenge and reward, the community interaction of social media, and the support and reinforcement of positive psychology.

Who This is For:


Business Heads

Human Resources; Training and Development

Team Leaders


Strong reinforcement of behaviors highlighted in training programs or change processes – higher retention and application.

Employees are engaged with others in living-out of targeted values in every interaction every day.

Stronger excitement and commitment to organization-wide projects.

Higher morale and a stronger relationships with others across organizations.

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We have worked with the best.


Due to the nature of our work, many of our clients prefer to remain anonymous. We are happy to support them with confidentiality.